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11 "Facts" About Energy Use You Need To Stop Believing Immediately

Including why you shouldn't feel guilty about using your dishwasher over washing up by hand.

1. Myth: Turning up the thermostat heats a room up quicker.

2. Myth: It's better to leave the heating on low all the time, rather than switch it on when you need it.

3. Myth: You need to keep your water heater on all night so you don't run out of hot water.

4. Myth: It's cheaper to heat one room with an electric heater, instead of switching on the heating.

5. Myth: You should turn the heating up when it's cold outside.

6. Myth: Dishwashers use a lot more energy than doing the washing up by hand.

7. Myth: The only way to get an accurate energy bill is through giving regular meter readings.

8. Myth: Solar panels only generate electricity on sunny days.

9. Myth: You can't swap out traditional light-bulb fittings for energy-saving or LED light bulbs.

10. Myth: Most heat from your home is lost through the windows.

11. Myth: Renewable energy is a lot more expensive than nonrenewable energy.

Now that you're a bit more in the know, take control of your energy use with a smart meter that lets you keep track, in pounds and pence, of how much gas and electricity you're using at home.

Every home in Great Britain will be offered a smart meter by their energy supplier by 2020. Go here to find out how to get a smart meter for your home – at no extra cost!