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13 Signs That You're Still Young At Heart

Some things you just never grow out of. Like Slurpees. Now you can enjoy Slurpee Zilched with less than 1% sugar!

1. You're all about that toilet humour.

2. You commute to work by skateboard.

3. You're constantly finding joy in the small things.

4. For you, nothing beats a slumber party...

5. ...except maybe a board game night.

6. This is how you feel on your birthday every year:

7. And this is how you feel when you hear the ice cream truck coming down the street:

8. You spend at least 90% of your time imagining how much better your life would be with a puppy.

9. You're not afraid to be a little dramatic at times.

10. You know that the best dinner is breakfast.

11. You refuse to ever go to bed at a reasonable time...

12. ...but you're not at all opposed to taking unplanned naps.

13. And most importantly, you understand there is no greater joy than this:

You don’t have to give up the things you love. Now you can enjoy Slurpee Zilched with less than 1% sugar.