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18 Reasons Westworld Is The Destination Of Your Wildest Fantasies

Prepare to be truly amazed. Watch Westworld exclusively on Sky Atlantic.

1. Westworld is like nowhere you’ve ever been before.

2. It’s situated in incredibly beautiful plains that stretch for miles and miles.

3. Seriously, it’s stunning.

4. It’s also got small, dusty frontier towns, just like the ones that feature in all your favourite Western films.

5. But what makes Westworld truly special are its hosts.

6. These state-of-the-art androids are super diverse and incredibly lifelike.

7. Right down to the blood that spills out of them.

8. They’re built to gratify the every need of you, the visitor. Like, every need.

9. And they’re programmed to immerse you in endless interconnected narratives, where you can go wherever you want and do whatever you want.

10. So you can literally choose your own adventure and build out the story you’ve always dreamed about.

11. Whether you’re the hero.

12. Or the villain.

13. Westworld offers true freedom – freedom to act however you want without any consequences.

14. The only limit in Westworld is the limit of your fantasies.

15. So you can truly be yourself.

16. And isn’t that the dream?

17. So go ahead, jump on a train to Westworld and find out who you really are.

18. Don’t worry; they won’t tell.

Westworld ©2016 Home Box Office, Inc. All rights reserved. HBO® and all related programs are the property of Home Box Office, Inc

Intrigued? Dive deeper into a world without consequences with Westworld, airing exclusively on Sky Atlantic on Tuesdays at 9pm, or catch up now on demand.

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