18 Truths About Being In The Closet That Hit Too Close To Home

    "You know when you're in the closet but aren't fully in the closet like the door is open and you can see what's outside but you're stuck."

    1. It constantly feels like the world is trying to tell you something...

    2. ... which is exhausting, because you already know. Duh.

    3. You've got the big moment all planned out:

    4. And when you finally come out? It's going to be the best feeling to be 100% yourself:

    5. But when an opening comes along, you're just not ready yet.

    When someone asks if you're gay but you're in the closet.

    No sweat, we've all been there.

    6. So enjoying even the most simple pleasures in life becomes a struggle:

    When Britney starts playing in public but you're still in the closet

    7. You're constantly second guessing everything you say out loud:

    when you're not out but you say something kinda gay and your parents look at you weird

    8. Sometimes you're a teeny tiny bit out, but not really... out. That's OK too.

    You know when you're in the closet but aren't fully in the closet like the door is open and you can see what's outside but you're stuck

    9. Things can go from zero to 💯 real quick when family comes over:

    When your with your family and you gotta act straight because you're still in the closet

    10. And there's that one cousin who you regret telling in the first place:

    When you're not out yet and your cousins ask if you're gay at a family event

    11. You thought Nana was ~ down ~ but you didn't account for her lack of Facebook etiquette:

    12. Luckily, it's usually only for a couple days:

    when you're in the closet but u have to be with ur relatives for the holidays

    13. Half the time you may be trying too hard...

    When you're not out of the closet and tryna keep the gay rumors away

    14. ... and that can backfire:

    when you're not out of the closet and you think people don't know you're gay

    15. Close calls are bound to happen, it's all about how you ride through them.

    16. Running your life from inside the closet has transcended to a pure art form:

    17. Looking back, it might feel like most of your formative years were one long Oscar-worthy performance:

    18. But let Meryl here tell you, it's all going to be so worth it in the end.