A Love Story, Seven Decades In The Making

    William Campbell and John Hilton were never able to be legally married, but that didn't stop them from a dedicated life to one another for over 54 years. Freedom To Marry released their full story in a short video.

    Meet Bill and John.

    They've been a couple for 54 years.

    That's seven decades:

    They are probably the most adorable couple you have ever seen:

    Shortly after they met, John received his draft notice:

    It was a scary moment for both of them:

    Bill wrote him letters until he returned home.

    John then went to night school for nine years.

    When Bill began showing signs of early Parkinsons, it was John's turn to take care of him:

    In a letter for their one year anniversary Bill wrote:

    Watch the entire story here:

    View this video on YouTube
