Zac Goldsmith Says He "Loves" Bollywood, But Can't Name Any Films Or Actors

    When asked whether he could name a single film or actor, the Conservative party's London mayoral candidate said: "I can't think of a favourite."

    Zac Goldsmith is the Conservative party's candidate to be the next mayor of London and, since he launched his campaign, he's put in a lot of effort to win over the Indian community.

    For instance, he's sent leaflets specifically for the Indian community, telling them that he met with India's prime minister Narendra Modi.

    His campaign has also targeted the Tamil community and accused Sadiq Khan, the Labour candidate, of wanting to tax family jewellery.

    Leaflet friend received. Rly, the v worst of Tory party in action. Is it find a Tamil day in @ZacGoldsmith campaign?

    And supporters have also created a campaign song for Goldsmith that's mostly made up of Hindi lyrics.

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    But despite all that, it was all terribly awkward when Goldsmith said he was a Bollywood fan at the Asian Awards at the beginning of April, and subsequently failed a name a single film.

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    This was Goldsmith's face while he was talking about how Bollywood is great.

    This was what it looked like only a few seconds later, immediately after he was asked to name his favourite film or actor.

    Labour's candidate Khan, who also attended the awards ceremony, told BuzzFeed News his favourite Bollywood film is My Name is Khan, although he wasn't put on the spot at the time.

    On Bollywood films, Sadiq Khan tells me "There are loads from my childhood but has to be 'My Name is Khan'"

    You can watch Goldsmith's full interview with Red Carpet News TV here:

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