Yvette Cooper Has Received Death Threats Against Her Children

    The senior Labour MP has reported the incident to police after being targeted on Twitter.

    A senior Labour MP has received a death threat against her children and grandchildren on Twitter because of her pro-EU stance.

    Former shadow home secretary Yvette Cooper posted an image of the tweet on Tuesday night and said online abuse "has to stop".

    Got this today for speaking out for Remain..... This has to stop.

    In a follow-up tweet, she said police and Twitter were on the case.

    Yes, reported hours ago. Police & @Twitter on case. But this is for all of us. Time to stop the hatred.

    The account that issued the threat has since been suspended.

    Cooper went on to say that she received the threat because she linked to a video from the official Stronger In campaign, in which young people urged older voters to consider their future when casting their votes in the EU referendum.

    The online threat came less than a week after the death of Labour MP Jo Cox last Thursday. Cox was shot on the way to her constituency surgery in West Yorkshire.

    Following the tragedy, MPs concerned about their safety were provided with heightened security.

    In May, Cooper headed up a cross-party group of MPs who launched a campaign, called Reclaim the Internet, against online abuse against women. People can submit their own contributions on a dedicated website.