UKIP's Website Has Gone Down And People Think They Didn't Pay

    The party, meanwhile, has no idea what happened.

    You won't be able to visit UKIP's website this morning. In fact, if you do try to go on the website, this is what you see.

    And people have instantly assumed that the party forgot to renew their domain.

    Lol someone forgotten to pay their site hosting fees?

    Looks like someone has forgot to pay the bill

    Oh my. The UKIP website has been taken down because they have apparently forgotten to pay their domain fees. Bravo.

    So what happened? Using, a website that allows you to find out more information about a domain, it appears that the domain was only updated this morning.

    And over in UKIP's headquarters, it all seems to be a little shambolic. When asked if the party had forgotten to pay their domain fees, a spokesperson for the party told BuzzFeed News: "We're not sure, we're looking into it."

    A UKIP spokesman called back BuzzFeed News and said the domain did not expire. "We had a technical problem overnight and we're working on it currently," the spokesman said.