The Sound System At UKIP's Conference Is Awful And Everyone's Blaming The BBC

    When in doubt, blame the BBC.

    Today is the beginning of UKIP's party conference. Which means that UKIP is all over the news. The BBC is even showing the conference live on BBC Parliament.

    But there's only one problem. People who couldn't make it to the conference are hearing things like this.


    (To hear the sound, click the speaker icon in the bottom-right hand corner of the video.)

    People tweeted using the #UKIPConf14 hashtag to tell the organisers to sort out the sound.

    #UKIPConf14 Need to sort out the sound system. Can't hear it on TV

    And then they started making fun of the party.

    If #ukipconf14 can't run an audible conference, what could they run?

    But wait. What if it's all the BBC's fault?

    #UKIPConf14 #UKIP come on guys the audio is appalling, or is this more #BBC saboatge ?

    Yes, that's right. People started suggesting that the BBC is deliberately sabotaging the conference.

    #UKIPConf14 come on #BBC get the audio sorted

    It's nothing to do with the hall or the audio system.

    @BBCNews I see that the BBC has nobbled the sound system at the #UKIPConf14. Just goes to show the degree of importance they place on UKIP.

    Because please, loads of people are waiting to watch.

    @BBCParliament Please have someone fix the sound at your coverage of the #UKIPConf14. There are more people than you think want to watch it.

    And the sound quality at the Tory conference will be great, won't it?

    Just tuned into UKIP conference and the sound is get the sound sorted BBC it will be diff next week at the Tory conf #UKIPConf14

    Hey BBC, stop discriminating against UKIP.

    You're contempt for the people of this Country is noted One camera and one microphone for the UKIP conference @BBCNews #UKIPConf14

    Then finally, it was fixed!

    @bbc sorts out sound #UKIPConf14 at last

    But then, 20 minutes later, BBC Parliament switched to the debate in the House of Commons on military action in Iraq. Guess we know what really matters.

    BBC Parliament

    A spokesperson for the BBC told BuzzFeed News: “Any suggestion that we deliberately tampered with the sound quality is ridiculous. We experienced issues with our sound feed for the first few minutes but this was corrected very quickly.”