Sayeeda Warsi's Resignation Is Really Big News In Pakistan

    Baroness Sayeeda Warsi resigned from her post in the UK government today over its position on Gaza. But it turns out there's more interest in the story from elsewhere.

    Baroness Sayeeda Warsi resigned on Tuesday from her position in the Foreign Office, calling the UK government's stance on Gaza "morally indefensible".

    Her resignation sparked a huge amount of interest from Pakistanis.

    I'm seeing people here in Pakistan are really happy over @Syeeda Warsi's resignation.

    Now you proove that you are the daughter of Great Pakistan, Thenxxxx Mrs.Warsi.@SayeedaWarsi

    'Sayeeda Warsi' is #2 trending topic in Pakistan for 1 hour and 40 minutes

    Sayeeda Warsi resigns over differences with UK Govt over its Policy on Gaza, Not one politician in #Pakistan in 68 years has done that.

    Many commenters praised her beneath articles written in Pakistani press.

    And others suggested that she could stand for a parliamentary seat in the country.

    Baroness Warsi can now stand for a parliament seat in Pakistan -- and easily win

    Baroness Warsi for Prime Minister of Pakistan! #AchaSorry

    Basically, she's kind of a big deal in Pakistan. This was the audience of 2,000 who attended a rally when she visited her hometown of Bewal in 2010.

    By 2012 she had already visited the country six times as a minister, and visited as Pakistanis were getting ready to vote in the elections.

    She also accompanied David Cameron and then shadow foreign-secretary William Hague on a visit to Pakistan in 2008, days before the country's elections.

    But for now Warsi's keeping any decisions about future plans a well-guarded secret.