This Tory Councillor Claims He's Received Six Ballot Papers For The Labour Leadership Election

    "[I] have no wish to give any info which might lead to any of my votes [being] cancelled," he told BuzzFeed News.

    This is Bob Frost, a man who describes himself as "sceptical, subversive, sarcastic, a smartarse" on his Twitter profile.

    Final two Labour leadership ballot papers just arrived by post. Six in total! Result! Go Corbyn, go!

    Although it's not mentioned on his bio, he's also a Conservative councillor in Dover – and according to the above tweet, he claims to have received six ballot papers in Labour's leadership election.

    Labour has come under increased pressure in recent weeks as hundreds of thousands of people have joined to vote in the coming leadership election, as the party has struggled to deal with accusations of entryism by the far left.

    It's been claimed by many that staff in the party's HQ have struggled to vet all the new party members and registered supporters, and voices within the party have called for the election to be delayed to ensure that all new voters are properly vetted.

    One MP even said the party could face a legal challenge if the contest wasn't "paused". Voting for the election opened on Monday and will close on 10 September.

    In an email to BuzzFeed News, Frost said he didn't want to talk about how he managed to get six votes until after the election is over, in order to keep his votes.

    He wrote:

    Happy to talk AFTER the election.

    Have no wish to give any info which might lead to any of my votes cancelled.

    It is unclear whether or not Frost became a Labour party member, rather than a registered supporter, to vote in the election. Registered supporters can only vote online whereas members are able to vote using paper ballots.

    BuzzFeed News understands that the party's process is to check an individual's name against the electoral register before they are sent a ballot and that any vote in his name will be stopped.

    In a follow-up tweet, Frost said he managed to sign up six times by using other people's names and addresses.

    This comes only a day after Andrew Wylie, the man who launched the #ToriesforCorbyn hashtag, declared that he has received at least three votes.

    @DPJHodges Labour's vetting procedure has worked really well

    The hashtag was meant to encourage Conservative supporters to vote for Jeremy Corbyn in the hope that Labour might become a weaker opposition.

    Wylie told The Guardian that he had signed up three times – each time with different names but the same email address and home address – when he received the ballots.

    Labour's press team was quick to respond and said it had identified Wylie before he posted his ballots on Twitter, claiming that his vote was already void when he received it. A spokesperson also said that only one vote was posted to his address.

    @MarcherLord1 thanks for your donation to the Labour Party. But your vote absolutely won't be counted in our leadership election.