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    5 Reasons We Must Read Rachel Dolezal's Memoir

    In June 2015, an older couple, fraudulently introducing themselves as "loving" white parents (with pending legal issues and a history of child abuse) humiliated and discredited an NAACP leader on national television, causing tension within the black community. Of course we began to question the integrity and authenticity of our own leader. The media told us the real story. Right? ......The same media that portrays to others an inaccurate stereotype of black men as violent criminals?...... Conditioned to absorb everything we hear on the media as indisputable fact, we were even willing to completely tear down one of our own leaders. We have all been deceived. On the contrary, I am not here to tell you what is true and what is false. Truth is given to the ones who seek it. I only want to share with you the reasons Rachel Dolezal's memoir "In Full Color" is an important tool for those of us who are still seeking answers.

    5. We have been told NOT to read this book.

    4. The NAACP continued to support Rachel Dolezal's advocacy - even though they were receiving "threats".

    3. Dolezal's protests were peaceful, yet EPIC.

    2. She always shows her sons, as young black men, the value of self love, in spite of the hate that surrounds them.

    1. Dolezal's memoir is endorsed by Black Scholars and current Civil Rights leaders.

    "...Unsurprisingly, her willingness to find a home and cultural vocabulary in the black community makes Ms Dolezal a target for those advocates of continuing conservative orthodoxies and social hierarchies. That in itself should encourage us to be open to her account of her personal and social evolution and pleasures of 'différance'. "

    - Gavin Lewis, a Black British writer and academic

    "’s absolutely necessary to know the whole story in order to understand the extraordinary racial journey that Rachel Dolezal has made.”

    - Ann Morning, Associate Professor of Sociology at New York University

    "Finally, Rachel Dolezal in her own voice and words shares her intriguing account and path of conscious self-definition, embodied in a life of activism..."

    -Bishop Clyde N.S. Ramalaine: Author, Preach a Storm, Live a Tornado: A Theology of Preaching. A Khoisan, lifelong activist and leading mind on building a race free, just and equitable society in post-Apartheid South Africa.

    "The storm of vitriol Rachel received in the national spotlight was as cruel as it was undeserved. Her deep compassion for others shines through every chapter of her life and has clearly motivated her truly outstanding advocacy work."

    -Gerald Hankerson, President NAACP Alaska Oregon Washington state area