19 Jumping Crocodiles That Should Be Shooting Hoops

    Crocs spend their lives underwater right? Ummmmmmmmm.

    1. Australia's jumping crocodiles like to get big air.

    2. SERIOUS big air!

    3. They would make excellent basketball players.

    4. Though you probably wouldn't dispute close calls.

    5. These guys are seriously athletic.

    6. Would You Look At THAT!

    7. Eyes locked on the target.

    8. Deadly concentration.

    9. Focus on the task at hand.

    10. Reliable aim.

    11. Superb grace and balance.

    12. Unnerving grip.

    13. Unquenchable enthusiasm.

    14. Whatever the conditions.

    15. BOOM.

    16. Australia's greatest predator.

    17. Also deadly at sea level.

    18. Best observed from upper level seats.

    19. Or courtside if you don't mind losing your camera.

    Jumping Crocs of Adelaide River we salute you!