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    Mamma, I'm Still Bi

    A Poem by Sillyword

    Mamma, I'm Still Bi


    I know you don't want me to be

    But I'm bi

    That is exactly what I told you

    While we making dinner

    You paused and laughed

    Baby, you can't be bi

    That man down the street

    Be with him

    You'll be straight

    I'm not sure how someone else's sexuality impacts me

    Just because he stares at my swagger

    While letting sweet nothings

    Evaporate into hopeful thoughts about how I might let him

    hold my hand

    or go home with him

    His handsome existence and his succulent stares

    don't mean I'm not thinking of the woman up the street

    and how she feels beneath my skin


    I'm still bi

    That girl Taylor

    I introduced her to you

    Remember how the snow fell on her black hair

    It made it look like there were crystals slowly melting

    Then dripping down her back

    We were in a rush

    You wanted to get to that hockey game

    But I wanted to scream

    This is my girlfriend and I love her

    But I introduced her as a friend

    Taylor deserved better than that

    She understood

    You didn't know

    I cried when I told Taylor that I couldn't tell you

    I was afraid you wouldn't understand

    That your faith would deny you the freedom

    To accept that God made me this way

    That like me,

    You would wish I was straight

    Sometimes I still wish I was


    I'm still fucking bi

    and I know what you think

    You've said it before

    I'm too





    to be bi

    Just because I am bi

    Doesn't mean I no longer am me

    My sexuality

    Doesn't eliminate my college degree

    The skirt slinking down my thigh

    Isn't signaling men

    My patience isn't a God given gift for men

    But right now it is a God given gift for everyone

    Who says I need to change

    My heart isn't built just for gender

    That's just who I am

    Being bi does not change the good parts about me


    I'm bi

    It is part of who I am

    It doesn't change me