Super Scottish Student Entrepreneurs

    Despite the alliterative anticlimax in the title, there are plenty out there, and many ways which you can do it as well.

    A land of invention

    Scotland has claim to some of the world's best inventions - insulin, the decimal point, Irn Bru - the list goes on.

    In today's world, you don't really see the term 'inventor' thrown around much. But, one that you do see is 'startup'. Any new company, or even just an idea can be considered a startup. And anyone can initiate one.

    One of the best things about the world we live in, is the information we have access to, and the tools and resources we have available, like the internet, for example.

    Because of this, those that are getting into the world of startups, are becoming younger. On average, 51 people under the age of 25 start businesses in the UK every day.

    And many of these young people, are still students at the time.

    Scottish student entrepreneurs

    Now, while there are many Scottish student entrepreneurs out there, some are better known than others. Over the last few years, Scottish students have made great strides in many areas, but there are two that stand out. You'll find these in the biotechnology and small business marketing industries.

    How can you do it?

    Well firstly, you need an idea, and a good one at that. You can't just decide that one day you're going to move into the world of startups with no real plan. The students discussed above's ideas came from their disciplines - Sharma and Scena were studying Internaltional Marketing, and McIlroy was studying medicine. You need to know what you're getting yourself into, understand the market, and have a plan. But, there are many places out there that can help you on your endeavours.

    Whatever you decide to do, there will be someone out there that can help you develop both your idea and your business acumen.

    Looking at the prominent success stories from those similar to yourself is also something to keep in mind. These students not only had passion and drive, they were resourceful enough to take advantage of the support around them, and if you want to develop your idea, you should be thinking the same way.