11 Facts About Eggs That Will Make You Say, "Woah, I Didn't Know That!"

    They're eggs-ellent.

    1. You can often determine what color an egg will be just by looking at the color of the chicken's earlobe.

    2. The likelihood of getting twin eggs depends on the age of the hen.

    3. If you drop an egg on the floor, putting salt on it will help you sweep it right up!

    4. You know that gross, white stringy stuff? Yeah, that's the sign the egg is fresh!

    5. Healthy eggs sink, but rotten ones float.

    6. Many supermarkets outside America don't refrigerate their eggs.

    7. People used to dye eggs red for Easter to represent the blood of Christ.

    8. A 19th century witch once used eggs to con people into thinking the apocalypse was coming.

    9. The oldest globe depicting the New World is actually an engraving on two joined halves of an ostrich egg.

    10. Though you can't make green eggs and ham without some green dye, some chickens do lay green eggs!

    11. It takes a hen 24-26 hours to produce a single egg.