I Promise, These Tweets From Women Are So Hilarious They'll Make Your Whole Week

    I like my tweets how I like my men: funny and relatable.

    Alright, folks! It's that time again. Here are some of the funniest tweets from women this week.

    1. There's some new competition in the rap world:

    Busta Rhymes has 24 hours to respond. https://t.co/P6PMxDD7IH

    2. Can we say "relationship goals"?

    When I say ‘not all men’ I mean this one lizard, specifically https://t.co/Ic4Q3DAd0R

    3. Yes, this is accurate:

    if timothée chalamet’s name was spelled timothy chalamet he wouldn’t be nearly as successful I can’t explain why but it’s true

    4. I would like to see it:

    billie eilish, carly rae jepsen, and miley cyrus should form a pop group called billie rae cyrus

    5. LOL:

    me pretending to act confused while taking a test knowing I’m cheating https://t.co/LCFsuhhRJX

    6. This shouldn't be so funny, and yet:

    Solange “got to party with Bey”??? https://t.co/jjbyO305xZ

    7. Sad, but true:

    schools be like: bullying: 🤷🏻‍♀️ racism: 🤷🏻‍♀️ homophobia: 🤷🏻‍♀️ chewing gum: 🤬 wearing hats: 🤬 shirts that show your shoulders: 🤬

    8. Give this kid the Oscar for most dramatic performance:

    my brother heard my parents having sex and had a complete break down while telling me about it

    9. But actually:

    why did teachers always put ur name on the board when u laughed or talked in class ?? lmao free clout ??

    10. Call. Him. Out:

    my boyfriend got into my car and 5 minutes later my younger sister said... “I just think it’s funny how you haven’t complimented my very beautiful sister who spent time doing her makeup and picking out her outfit yet” someone tell her to relax 😂😭

    11. Oh....my god:

    12. Can't unsee this, and tbh, don't want to:

    this has genuinely fucked me up i keep laughing

    13. OMFG:

    So my brother got pulled over and his girlfriend thought he was lying y’all look at this 😂😂😂😂😂

    14. Teenagers are savage:

    The hardest I’ve ever been owned in my life was when I was 21 in Barnes & Noble and a teenager asked me where the manga section was. I told them but also said “I don’t work here.” They looked me dead in the eye and said “I know. You just looked like someone who would know.”

    15. Wow, this is relatable:

    my therapist: your habit of reflexively using corporate jargon outside of work is alienating to your family + friends and indicates a careerist attitude towards interpersonal relationships me: thanks for flagging!

    16. Take note, men:

    gwen stefani was right. don’t speak

    17. Oof:

    The most unrealistic element of Jurassic Park is the part where an American theme parks investors become concerned after a single worker is killed

    18. Deep:

    thinking about how expensive being human is when technically everything on earth is free and none of us asked to exist

    19. SMH, some people:

    Lmfao I’m crying this is the kinda shit I deal with every WEEK

    20. 🤣🤣🤣:

    man i’ve never seen a dog tell another dog to stfu lmfao

    21. If this ain't true:

    stranger at the library: can you watch my stuff? me:

    22. We'd need a lot of groundhogs:

    If you’re sad today about not having a valentine, just remember that you didn’t have a groundhog on Groundhog’s Day and it turned out just fine

    23. A unique pedestrian:

    nyc got me looking like an entire weirdo in other cities, I'll be like "oh that's only a 15 min walk" and be on the side of a highway

    Did these make you laugh? Be sure to click through and follow your faves to make your Twitter timeline a funnier place!