Steve Harvey Can't Get Enough Of Amy Schumer's Hilarious Answers On "Family Feud"

    It's as amazing as it sounds.

    Last Sunday, Amy Schumer faced off against Kelly Clarkson during the Season 4 premiere of Celebrity Family Feud.

    Amy and her family are HUGE fans of the show and were pretty excited about the whole thing. Like, got-custom-jackets-made excited.

    After a pretty badass entrance...

    Steve got down to it and asked the first question: Name something a wife might do to her bald husband's head in the bedroom.

    After her teammates delivered a few right answers, it was Amy's turn, and people lost their minds.

    Steve cackled for, like, a LONG time.

    And while the rest of the Clarkson clan looked a little shocked and scandalized, Kelly howled and cheered Amy on.

    After everyone caught their breath, Steve moved on to the next question: Name a reason your man looks better with clothes than without.

    While not devious per se, she definitely came up with a memorable answer.

    Her brother suggested that the women might have a thing for furries and went with "a costume" as his answer.

    BUT THEN...

    With an additional winning round under their belt, the Schumers beat out the Clarksons and made it to the Fast Money round, which, singlehandedly, Amy annihilated.

    And LIKE A BOSS, she got exactly 14 points on just the first answer.

    Lesson learned: Don't mess with the Schumers.