Tom Holland's Dog Is So Fucking Cute, I'm Squealing


    So, I recently started stanning Tom Holland because, duh.

    World, meet Tessa.

    Tom has had her ever since she was just a sweet, little pupper and they love to do everything together.

    Like, traveling...

    ...taking long drives...

    ...playing dress up...

    ...and sleeping.

    Actually, I'm pretty sure sleeping is her favorite thing to do.

    But because of Tom's crazy travel schedule, they often have to FaceTime just to see each other.

    Yet when they're finally reunited, Tom spends every second he can with her, even if it means bringing her to a red carpet event.


    tom holland talking about tessa makes my heart melt

    Find someone who looks at you the way Tom and Tessa look at each other.

    And for crying out loud, can someone make this little nugget her own Instagram already?!