Someone Said That Jennifer Lawrence Wasn't Pretty Enough For Something And It Was Fucking Savage

    Damn, Debra.

    Let's discuss some undeniable facts for a moment, shall we?

    Here's another one. FACT: Jennifer Lawrence is a beautiful and talented actress.

    Now, being as amazing as she is, it shouldn't surprise you that J. Law is being considered for the role of Sharon Tate in Quentin Tarantino's next film, which will focus on the infamous Manson family murders.

    Sharon is survived by her younger sister, Debra Tate, who was recently asked by TMZ who — between Margot and Jennifer — she thought should be cast to play her sister, to which she said:

    They're both extremely accomplished actresses, but I would have to say, my pick would be Margot simply because of her physical beauty, and the way she even carries herself is similar to that of Sharon. I don't think as much about Jennifer Lawrence. Not that I have anything against her but she just — I don't know — she's not pretty enough to play Sharon. That's a horrible thing to say, but you know, I have my standards.

    You have your standards?? Debra says what?!?!

    Margot. Sharon. Jennifer.

    All beautiful. All talented.

    Those 👏 are 👏 the 👏 facts 👏.