This Photo Of Bald John Travolta Gave Me Chills And They're Multiplying


    So, this is John Travolta and, for as long as I can remember, this is what he's looked like.

    Sometimes, he looks like this — ya know, sans beard or whatever.

    ANYWAY, why am I talking to you about John Travolta's hair on this particular Monday? Well, because I was just minding my own business, perusing Instagram and such, when I saw something surprising...


    Maybe spending all that time with his BFF Pitbull got him thinking he was ready to take the plunge or maybe he just couldn't find his rumored wig that day, but whatever the reason, I am GRATEFUL.

    Like, is it just me or is bald Johnny kind of a hottie?? He looks like a sexy Lex Luthor all grown up! Ooh, or like if the Monopoly guy had a beard! All I'm saying is that it WORKS.

    2019 is off to a really good start.

    What do you think about a bald John Travolta? Tell us in the comments!