Here's How Much 21 "Game Of Thrones" Characters Have Changed Since Their First Episode

    Living characters only!

    1. Jon Snow

    2. Daenerys Targaryen

    3. Arya Stark

    4. Sansa Stark

    5. Jaime Lannister

    6. Cersei Lannister

    7. Tyrion Lannister

    8. Bran Stark

    9. Theon Greyjoy

    10. Sam Tarly

    11. Davos Seaworth

    12. Jorah Mormont

    13. Brienne of Tarth

    14. Tormund Giantsbane

    15. Gendry

    16. The Hound

    17. Missandei

    18. Grey Worm

    19. Lord Varys

    20. Beric Dondarrion

    21. The Mountain

    Need more Game of Thrones before next week's episodes? Check out all our Game of Thrones coverage here.