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    Hurry Up And Get These 15 Prime Day Deals On Hair Care Products That Have A 4-Star Or More Rating

    Give your hair all the love it deserves!

    1. A musk root hair treatment that'll help in rejuvenating your scalp, reduce inflammation, restore your natural hair colour and promote hair growth - ₹145 (MRP: ₹230)

    2. If you want to do something nice for your hair every day, use this hair cream to enrich your hair by moisturising them so they're soft and shiny, fight hair fall and reduce dryness - ₹163 (MRP: ₹199)

    3. Curl Up Curl Defining Cream which will make your curls look the best they've ever looked with a new shiny frizz-free glow - ₹621 (MRP: ₹690)

    4. Batiste dry shampoo. It's perfect for busy people who skip showers because they're late for work. It was also made for darker hair so you can rest assured that it'll blend in well. This dry shampoo will refresh your hair and reduce oil - ₹399 (MRP: (MRP: ₹749)

    5. A shampoo that'll effectively eliminate dandruff from your hair, reduce itchiness and prevent future dandruff as well - ₹162 (MRP: ₹197)

    Bottle of the anti-dandruff shampoo

    6. A shampoo scalp massager that'll not only make you feel relaxed but also stimulate blood flow to the scalp. It has a 4.5 star rating and it's also a BuzzFeed India reader's favourite item - ₹269 (MRP: ₹599)

    A woman holding a pink scalp massager

    7. A hair detangling brush that you have to use when your hair's still wet after your shower so you can detangle it pain-free - ₹349 (MRP: ₹479)

    A hair detangling brush

    8. Apply some of this 4.5-star rated cold-pressed 100% castor oil to your hair to promote hair growth, control hair fall and strengthen it to prevent future hair fall - ₹175 (MRP: ₹300)

    Bottle of the cold pressed castor oil

    9. Herbal Essences strawberry and white mint shampoo that will cleanse your hair, leave it smelling amazing and also give it more volume - ₹420 (MRP: ₹599)

    Bottle of the strawberry and white mint shampoo

    10. The deeply nourishing Indus Valley hair mask that aids in solving soo many hair problems like dry, damaged and frizzy hair, dandruff, and also stimulates hair growth to make it look smooth, shiny and strong - ₹229 (MRP: ₹299)

    Bottle of the hair mask

    11. L'Oreal Extraordinary Oil hair serum that literally anyone can benefit from. It makes your hair up to 6 times shinier, smoothes your hair and removes frizziness, detangles it and repairs damaged hair - ₹399 (MRP: ₹499)

    Bottle of the hair serum

    12. Apply some of this hibiscus powder to your hair to make it stronger and prevent it from breaking easily - ₹219 (MRP: ₹670)

    A box of hibiscus powder

    13. A conditioner for coloured hair that will make your hair colour last longer, and make your hair smooth and silky by nourishing it - ₹149 (MRP: ₹185)

    Bottle of the hair conditioner

    14. A bottle of Parachute coconut oil because that's just a classic and it's most likely got your mom's approval as well - ₹323 (MRP: ₹415)

    15. And finally, this Arata curl styling pack that you can apply every day to make your curls look bouncy, boost hair growth and strengthen them - ₹824 (MRP: ₹1,099)

    A hair styling combo