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11 Reasons Why Andrew Dice Clay Should Be Your Andrew Dice Bae

We know him as the legendary rough and tough comedian, but past his brash exterior, Andrew is quite the catch. Get to know the real Dice in his new SHOWTIME original comedy series. DICE premieres Sunday, April 10 at 9:30 p.m.

1. Andrew is actually very romantic.

2. Dice has a great sense of humor.

3. He's passionate about everything he does.

4. He's a loyal friend.

5. Andrew just wants to make your life easy.

6. He's the kind of guy who doesn't mind going out of his comfort zone.

7. Dice doesn't take crap from anyone.

8. And he's a great speaker.

9. He's a critical and logical person.

10. His look is timeless.

11. Most importantly, Andrew Dice Clay is an all-around nice guy.

*All images courtesy of Showtime*

There's a lot to love about Dice.

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Watch Andrew Dice Clay in his new SHOWTIME original comedy series. DICE premieres Sunday, April 10 at 9:30 p.m — only on SHOWTIME or download the app to start your free trial now.