We hope you love our recommendations! Some may have been sent as samples, but all were independently selected by our editors. Just FYI, BuzzFeed and its publishing partners may collect a share of sales and/or other compensation from the links on this page.

    14 Most Sought After Products On Amazon Launchpad

    Our priorities are very, very clear 👀

    1. This seed mix snack with Roasted Flax Seeds, Pumpkin Seeds, Watermelon seeds, Sesame Seeds and Dry Dates that you can sprinkle on salads, cakes, yoghurt or even add to wraps for a nice little crunch – ₹200

    2. This delicious pizza and pasta sauce so you can whip up quick meals with a sauce that tastes as good as fresh – ₹149

    3. This set of two boxes of Dark Chocolate and Cranberry Muesli so breakfast every day is a little less boring – ₹496

    4. This delicious vegan crunchy peanut butter to slather on your toast or to make tarts – ₹399

    5. Or this peanut butter chocolate if you are still too attached to your favourite chocolate spread – ₹415

    6. This reusable menstrual cup that lasts for up to12 hours and will literally make you forget that there's an entire Niagra Falls situation happening down there. If taken care of properly, you can use them for over 3 years and they are way more eco-friendly than one-time use pads and tampons – ₹275

    7. This power backup for Wi-fi router, CCTV and setup box that provides up to four hours of back up so you can work or play uninterrupted – ₹2,299

    8. This pack of 5 pairs of reusable cotton gloves that are super useful if you are outdoors a lot and they are a way better alternative to one-time plastic gloves – ₹179

    9. This organic Geranium charcoal facewash that will deeply cleanse your pores and remove all the gunk, leaving your skin baby-soft – ₹200

    10. This beard growth oil with almond and thyme so you can help that quarantine beard reach its full potential while also keeping it nourished – ₹261

    11. This pure aloe vera gel is great for your skin if other face creams tend to make it oily. Aloe vera also as a great hair mask! – ₹365

    12. These Power Gummies – multivitamins enriched with Biotin – that help boost hair and nail growth and strengthen them. And they're vegan! – ₹999

    13. This Soulflower Ylang Ylang essential oil that nourishes both your hair and skin, Add a few drops to your bath or mix it with moisturiser or hair oil – ₹284

    14. And this toilet seat sanitiser spray is essential no matter where you go. Do NOT sit on the seat until you've sanitised it!!! – ₹115