Brad Pitt And Kate Hudson Are Apparently "Dating" And Her Bro Is Making Jokes About It


    This is Kate Hudson. And this is her brother, Oliver. They're both actors. You've more than likely seen their faces before.

    This is Brad Pitt. He's an actor too. I'm gonna bet you a lot of money that you've definitely seen his face before.

    Brad was together with this other very, very famous actress named Angelina Jolie. But they ended things in September of 2016.

    And now according to Star, Brad Pitt and Kate Hudson are now a couple. Like, Brad has allegedly MOVED IN with Kate.

    Sound weird to you? You're not alone! Kate's brother Oliver posted a hilarious reaction on Instagram, revealing how Brad acts as his sister's "boyfriend":

    He wrote:

    Yeah and it's been hell!! He's messy as shit! He drinks out of the fucking carton and leaves the door open when he's taking a dump!! And this is when he's at MY house!!! He's already calling me brother and has driven a wedge between myself and my real brother Wyatt who now won't speak to me.. he insists my kids call him uncle B and lost my youngest at the Santa Monica pier for 2 days.. thank god for amber alert.. my mom's overtly flirting with him! Shes wearing these little nighties around the house now?! But ALL DAY!! Like at 3pm! And Pa just keeps saying "All right!! It's Brad Pitt!!" Anyway not going well.. so BP.. it's time to move out man.. I need my life back dog.. I'll smoke one more bowl and then get the fuck out.. we thank you.. oh and I found your medical bracelet so I'll get that back to you.. ok..

    Wow, Brad sounds like a HORRIBLE brother-in-law 😂 😂 😂 .

    Stay funny, Oliver!