26 Times People Tried To Do Something Themselves, With Pretty Questionable Results

    You might be able to do it yourself, but that doesn't always mean you should.

    There's a lot to be said for rolling up your sleeves and building/creating something yourself. But sometimes, it's better to just leave it up to the experts. Here are 26 projects that fall into that category:

    1. This stairs-counter-hybrid situation:

    the stairs are cut off by a kitchen counter, so you would be stepping on the counter to continue going upstairs

    2. This FIRe eXIT:

    the e's on each word are tiny

    3. This snake toilet:

    tile is completely covering the toilet area

    4. This cascade of nipple lights up the wall and onto the ceiling:

    5. This recycle bin that had such good intentions but ended up sending the WRONG message:

    the words are separated weird so it reads: every child garbage, matters recycle

    6. This holiday card with a message I will never be able to decipher:

    7. This menu lets you see the food but makes it pretty hard to read about it:

    font on top of a large image of the food so you can't read anything

    8. This washing machine installment that clearly no one measured beforehand:

    washing machine goes through a wall into another room

    9. This TV that met its death after being mounted with liquid glue:

    tv and the fireplace tile crashed on the floor

    10. This "couch repair" that uses the term pretty loosely:

    duct tape on the couch

    11. This logo that's apparently supposed to say "Bunch of Grapes":

    the letters are going down vertically and are unreadable

    12. This couch tiling:

    tile pieces on a sofa like a mosiac

    13. This wooden fireplace:

    14. This hotel staircase that's a lawsuit waiting to happen:

    staircase leads to another going the opposite way so there's no way to safely step down

    15. These barely-frosted glass doors that were installed at a school after students (rightfully) complained about having no privacy:

    see-through doors

    16. Even worse, this bathroom stall with a clear view into the stall next to it:

    17. This lightswitch in an Airbnb that was apparently "made by hand":

    it's cut to fit on the wall

    18. This tub that the owners discovered didn't have an actual drain:

    a dirt pit

    19. This "elevated" pool that looks like a death trap:

    a wooden platform build for a pool that looks like it will fall at any time

    20. This map of the world that that took just a fewww liberties with the geography:

    countries and states written in random spots on a map

    21. These stairs that I'm unconvinced have any actual reinforcement:

    floating staircases

    22. These ginger reindeer antlers that make me VERY uncomfortable:

    the antlers are made of ginger

    23. This outlet that may as well not exist:

    it's covered by a wall and you can only see a peek of it

    24. This balcony that takes up approximately 98.72% of the sidewalk:

    warning poles around the balcony to warn pedestrians

    25. This message that I think is meant to be inspiring, but it's just confusing beyond belief:

    the words are put together so you can't read what it means to say

    26. And these zip tie shower rings that, I'll admit, probably do an okay job:

    H/T: r/CrappyDesign, r/DiWHY