People Are Sharing The Personality Traits That Scream, "I'm A Toxic Person," And It's A Lesson In Trusting Your Gut

    "The ones that make the hair stand up on the back of your neck. Trust your instincts. I have always said surround yourself with good people and you'll be a good person. Surround yourself with bad people and you'll be a bad one. Simple but true."

    In life, it's best to try and surround yourself with positive, supportive people. But the bottom line is some people are toxic, and it's important to know the signs so you can avoid them at all costs.

    So when Reddit user u/royal_rocker_reborn asked, "What kind of people should you avoid or stay away from?" the people of Ask Reddit came in hot with subtle signs that someone might not be the best influence in your life. In my opinion, it's need-to-know information. Here are the responses:

    1. "People who have no self-accountability or can 'do no wrong.' They'll ruin your life and everyone else's life to avoid looking like a bad guy. They'll set up people to take the fall for their own mistakes."

    "Surround yourself with people who you can share good news with, and will take accountability for their actions. You won't have to worry much about their honesty if they'll come forward with their shortcomings."


    2. "The ones that make the hair stand up on the back of your neck. Trust your instincts. I have always said surround yourself with good people and you'll be a good person. Surround yourself with bad people and you'll be a bad one. Simple but true."


    3. "If they talk sh— about everyone else, they talk sh— about you, too. Especially the ones who seem to be super nice to these people when they’re around."


    "You talk a lot of shit"

    4. "Toxic people are usually able to conceal their toxic traits when they want to make a good impression. Yet here's one red flag they seldom conceal: When something goes wrong, they don't look for a process or solution; instead, they look for someone to blame. Watch out for someone who goes around finding scapegoats. Keep a polite distance if you can't avoid them completely."


    5. "People who cannot tell the truth, no matter how serious the situation is."


    6. "People who can't stand any level of unhappiness. I don't mean they're in a loveless marriage, or without true friends, or in dire distress. I mean, if you go out with a group of friends, and one friend wants to go to a steakhouse, but the group decides on sushi, and they spend THE WHOLE NIGHT pouting, upset, mentioning it at every turn. The friend that can't be uncomfortable for one moment, even if everything else is going relatively okay (ex: spending the day at an amusement park, but it's warm out/there are long lines). Life is not going to be comfortable all the time, and if they're a chronic complainer, avoid them at all costs."


    "I'm here to complain."

    7. "Narcissists. They have nothing but fake empathy for others, the world revolves around them, they do 'nothing wrong,' they're always the victim, and prefer even negative attention to being ignored. They can just drain the life out of you."


    8. "People who hate on animals. I have pets, they’re my life. I don’t trust someone to come into my home if they're is anti-animals for no good reason (I don’t mean being afraid of dogs because they were bitten as a kid, that’s pretty reasonable)."


    9. "People who treat waiters, janitors, cleaning staff, etc. as if they're literally less of a person than they are."


    "She's really, really rude"

    10. "Anyone who tries to act too close/familiar with you too fast. Anyone who showers you with gifts out of nowhere. Some people may be sincere and just trying too hard, but many, MANY abusive and predatory people use these tactics to worm their way in and get close to you."


    11. "People who call everyone else 'crazy,' 'narcissistic,' 'a psychopath,' 'toxic,' etc. Everyone in their history seems to be one or the other to them. Really, it's themselves who are the problem."


    12. "They usually say stuff like, 'I don't want drama in my life,' even though they create the most drama. Saying, 'I'm a good person.' People who announce good features about themselves are usually the complete opposite."


    "Am I the problem?"

    13. "Pathological victims, doomers. People who feel miserable all the time and resent you for being happy every now and then."


    14. "Any incel or Andrew Tate rhetoric, and I’m out."


    15. "People who always have to be right."


    "I had a friend who was like this ALL THE TIME! Even on things I definitely knew more than she did. She’d always dig in and say, 'You’re wrong,' no matter what. Literally over the tiniest piece of trivia."


    "You're wrong"

    16. "People who make fun of you (or anyone else) for caring. The South Park mindset. People who find any excuse to argue in favor of the status quo. You might agree with them on some issues here and there, but once you start actually caring about something or wanting to change something that affects you, they'll turn on you as soon as you're not willing to be chill, apathetic, and cynical about everything. Nothing exhausts me as much as people who freak out when they hear someone suggest that maybe things could be better than they currently are."


    17. "People who use their mental illness to justify their behaviors — ESPECIALLY if they have no intention of getting better/seeking treatment."


    18. "People who act completely differently or treat you differently from one day to the next. In my experience, that is a very bad sign."


    19. And finally, "Anyone my dog doesn't trust."


    Closeup of a dog baring its teeth

    What other kinds of people and personality traits do you think it's best to avoid? Share your thoughts in the comments.

    Note: Responses have been edited for length/clarity.