15 Photos That Make Me Want To Never Set Foot In Another Kitchen As Long I Live

    Guess I'll HAVE to just order pizza for the 40,000th time.

    1. This person who forgot they were heating oil for French fries and then came back to...this:

    A burnt-up kitchen

    2. This person who managed to brand themselves with a Rachael Ray knife:

    A burn from a knife

    3. This person who just wanted to cook a frozen pizza, but their oven had other plans:

    A destroyed oven

    4. This person who also wanted to cook a frozen pizza, but to no avail:

    A broken pizza in the oven

    5. This person who went toe-to-toe with a watermelon and lost:

    A knife blade stuck in a watermelon

    6. This person who got a little too high and fell asleep after putting their biscuits in the oven, resulting in this tray of bricks:

    Burnt biscuits

    7. This person who missed the strainer by a mile and has to kiss their pasta dreams goodbye:

    Noodles in the sink

    8. This person who accidentally broke the handle clean off their brand new (and never been used) cast iron skillet:

    A broken skillet

    9. This person who apparently didn't check under the pan before starting their culinary pursuits:

    A broken stove

    10. This person who put a glass baking dish into the oven with the best intentions:

    A shattered cooking dish in an oven

    11. This person who christened their RV by forgetting to take the glass off the stove before turning it on:

    Shattered glass on a stove

    12. This person who was too busy greeting guests at the barbecue, only to realize their ribs caught on fire, leaving these charred nubs:

    Burnt ribs on a grill

    13. This person who had the brilliant idea to stick a loaf of bread on top of a plastic cutting board and throw it into the oven:

    Melted plastic in an oven

    14. This person who sadly didn't double check the cap on their salt shaker:

    Salt covering a dish

    15. And finally, this person who turned on the wrong burner and found out the hard way:

    Someone's hand with marks from the stove

    H/T: r/Wellthatsucks