This OB-GYN Has Gone Viral For Debunking Feminine Care Products — Here's What Works And What Doesn't

    "Your genitals should smell like genitals, not 'Sunday Morning Sunshine.'"

    If you're someone with a vagina/vulva, raise your hand if you've ever taken a stroll down the "feminine care" aisle of your local Target and been like, "Do I need to use ALL of these products to keep my downstairs healthy???"

    According to Dr. Fatima Daoud Yilmaz, MD, a clinical assistant professor of obstetrics and gynecology based in Long Island, New York, that isn't the case. She recently went viral on TikTok for her series "A Gynecologist Visits The Feminine Care Aisle," where she debunks different products and explains "what's trash and what's worth the cash."

    In her most viral video — over 12 million views — Dr. Daoud explains that feminine care washes like Summer's Eve are NOT what you should be using to clean your vagina and vulva:


    Hi! I’m a gynecologist visiting the feminine care aisle so you don’t have to. #summerseve #gynecologist #ArbysDiabloDare #femininehygiene

    ♬ original sound - Dr. Fatima Daoud

    Meanwhile, D-Mannose can actually be a useful tool to prevent recurrent urinary tracts infections! (Although antibiotics still have a lot more research behind them):


    Got recurrent UTIs? Let’s look at the data behind D-Mannose for #UTI prevention. #gynecologist #urinarytractinfection #AVrboForTogether

    ♬ 1960s Game Show Theme - Suzannah Doyle

    According to Dr. Daoud, a number of feminine care products — like the Honey Pot products listed in the video below — use shaming language to sell their products. She says they also contain a number of "lotions and potions" that either don't work, are unnecessary, and/or can even be harmful to the vagina and vulva:

    "It's absolutely shaming, it's just vanilla-scented-with-a-good-PR-team shaming," Dr. Daoud told BuzzFeed. "I think as long as there is money to be gained from telling people with vulvas/vaginas that they are not 'fresh,' 'balanced,' or 'clean,' companies will continue to create fake problems for us. And the products get more and more ridiculous. From 'panty spray' to vaginal brushes for menstrual debris, the spirit of capitalism and misogyny is illustrated in no better way than the feminine care aisle."

    Dr. Daoud explained that she started her social media account and TikTok series to combat misinformation and inform others about pregnancy and gynecologic care. "TikTok has a large teen/young adult audience that's curious to learn more about their bodies, but some of the most popular content for 'feminine health' is created by people with no credentials who are (usually) trying to sell something. That's where I come in. I wanted to use the knowledge I've accumulated over my years of training to create content that is educational, interesting, and practical. (And never sponsored!)"


    Reply to @keyonnaspringfiel One of my most highly requested videos just for you bc I care, let’s talk about #boricacidsuppositories #boricacid #gynecology #MaiselChallenge #HairFoodChallenge

    ♬ 1960s Game Show Theme - Suzannah Doyle

    When it comes to properly taking care of your vulva and vagina, Dr. Daoud made a point to say that less is always more. "Anyone preaching the benefits of vaginal steaming, vaginal oils/pearls/suppositories/washes, etc., is usually trying to sell you something. Nothing should ever be inserted into the vagina for the purposes of cleaning it. Your genitals should smell like genitals, not 'Sunday Morning Sunshine.'"


    Reply to @badkarma1230 Let’s talk about the science backing up #cranberries for #UTI prevention and treatment #AVrboForTogether

    ♬ 1960s Game Show Theme - Suzannah Doyle

    But what's the number one thing Dr. Daoud DOES recommend for cleaning your vulva? "The only thing I recommend universally to my patients is water to clean the vulva (outside only). If someone really needs something else in addition to help them feel clean, a mild, unscented, un-dyed soap could be an option. Otherwise, there is no one-size-fits-all when it comes to gynecologic care. I recommend everyone speak to their medical provider if they are having a particular issue or are interested in trying a new product they heard about."


    Reply to @mdrae18 There is really only one non-water product I’d recommend #gynecologist #femininehygiene #CloseYourRings

    ♬ original sound - Dr. Fatima Daoud

    And the number one thing she DOESN'T recommend? "Douching! It's the absolute worst. There is no medical condition that is treated with vaginal douching. Douching will throw off the balance of the healthy vaginal bacteria, which can lead to infections and inflammation. Douching can push vaginal bacteria (including sexually transmitted infections) through the cervix into the uterus, causing a condition called pelvic inflammatory disease (PID). This can lead to serious health consequences, including infertility, ectopic pregnancy, and pus collecting in the fallopian tubes/ovaries (tubo-ovarian abscess). Don't do it!"

    Above all else, Dr. Daoud recommended speaking with a medical professional about any concerns before running to the feminine care aisle. "If you think there is something wrong (odor, discharge, itching, etc.), get evaluated by a credentialed medical provider. Accurate diagnosis leads to appropriate treatment, without exposing your body — and wallet — to random over-the-counter potions that usually don't work."

    Let's all take a moment to thank Dr. Daoud for doing the lord's work and teaching us how to keep our nether regions healthy without spending a ton of $$$ on bogus products! For even more great content on gynecological care, you can follow her on TikTok and Instagram.

    Note: These views are Dr. Daoud's and not the views of her employer.