What's The Wildest Thing You Did To Land A Home In Today's Housing Market?

    Ah, homeownership, even less accessible than before.

    If you've recently bought a home or are in the market to buy a home — or if you're just obsessed with perusing Zillow like I am — you know that the US housing market is an absolute battlefield right now.

    And in order to secure that precious, precious property, people are going to extremes and getting pretty creative about how they can set themselves apart from other buyers. So, mostly because I'll never own property and also because I'm genuinely curious, what's the wildest thing you've done to try to secure a house?

    A Sold sign outside a building

    Perhaps you wrote the seller a handwritten letter about how much you loved their home and how much it would mean for them to sell it to you. And maybe you also threw in an expensive fruit basket and a voucher for a free massage.

    Or maybe you offered to pay the seller's original offer plus $100,000 on top of that...IN CASH.

    Or, who knows, maybe you offered to let the seller board with you for a few months after closing, rent-free, because you wanted the house that badly.

    Whatever your story, share it in the comments! Tell us the wildest lengths you went to get the house of your dreams, and whether or not it paid off. Or fill out this form if you'd rather remain anonymous. We may feature your responses in an upcoming BuzzFeed Community post.