21 Charts You'll Appreciate If You Have No Idea How To Do Your Hair And Makeup

    Who knew a flower braid could be that easy!

    1. This (quite extensive) guide on how to find the best hairstyle for your face shape:

    2. This (also quite intensive) guide on how to find the right hairstyle for your face shape if you prefer shorter styles:

    3. This chart on the best beard style for your face shape, so your facial hair is forever on point:

    4. This guide to different hair types, so you can find yours and care for it accordingly:

    5. This chart that goes even deeper into curly hair types, because there are so, so many:

    6. And once you've discovered your curly hair type, you can consult this detailed explanation on how to master the Curly Girl Method:

    7. This illustration of different kinds of buns that proves there's more to life that just the topknot:

    8. This "men's" hairstyling products guide that truly can apply to anyone who wants to rock a short hairstyle:

    9. This even more in-depth look at those same products:

    10. The different buzzer guard lengths, so you can have a stress-free trip to the barber:

    11. This breakdown of THIRTEEN different braid styles to try (who knew there were so many???):

    12. This chart explaining the different hair brushes and what they do best, because they aren't created equal:

    13. This timeline of hairstyles throughout history, in case you wanna try out a more *retro* look:

    14. This beginner's guide to different makeup brushes, because let's be honest, it can get overwhelming VERY fast:

    15. This guide that has your ENTIRE face covered, no joke:

    16. This chart that breaks down the best eyeshadow methods based on your eye shape:

    17. This quick-but-valuable guide on the kind of ~lashes~ different mascara brushes create:

    18. This gorgeous visual on eye looks through the decades, in case you wanna do a lil' throwback:

    19. This explainer on color correcting concealers and which work best for your concerns/skin tone:

    20. This super-handy chart on how to apply makeup with your fingers, because who really needs 13,000 brushes anyway?

    21. And finally, this list of the wildest makeup facts:

    h/t: r/coolguides