9 Stepdads Who Stepped Into The "Dad" Role With Ease, And 9 Stepdads Who Barely Even Tried To Do A Good Job

    Some of these are sweet, but others are unacceptable.

    1. This stepdad celebrated HIS OWN BIRTHDAY by sending his stepchild a gift and sweet note*:

    *The note says: "Dear Emily, Happy my birthday. Happy Independence Day. Celebrate my day with this gift to you from me. It will fill me with joy to know, to have the connection that comes from something of mine becoming something of yours. Let me know what you do with the money. Anything will be okay with me. I believe you will do it with love and joy. Happy B’day me to you."

    2. This stepdad crossed a line with his stepdaughter's sexual autonomy:

    3. This stepdad bought a whole-ass poker set in the name of bonding:

    4. This stepdad saw their stepchild struggling and proceeded to make things worse:

    5. This stepdad proved he was listening one orange jelly bean at a time:

    6. This stepdad violated his stepdaughter's privacy and then punished her:

    7. This stepdad did such a great job that he got this heartfelt lil' gift:

    8. This stepdad got mad about his stepchild "not helping" but then refused to go into specifics:

    9. This stepdad proved he's also a stellar dog dad:

    10. This stepdad got heated and took it out on his stepchild for literally no reason:

    11. This stepdad celebrated his wife finishing chemo with the kindest surprise:

    A bell on a wall that says, "Make freedom ring"

    12. This stepdad tried to convince his stepchild that alcohol and hydrocodone is all good so long as no one "operates anything":

    13. This dad secretly kept separate snacks for all the local woodland creatures 🥺:

    14. This stepdad slut-shamed his stepchild without a second thought:

    15. This stepdad gifted his wife with a blanket she could wrap herself in after he was gone:

    16. This stepdad flipped their lid the second their stepchild asked for a little respect:

    17. This stepdad proved he was born to be a father with one single text message.

    18. And finally, this stepdad threw out something his stepchild spent their hard-earned money on for (IMO) a pretty dumb reason:

    h/t: r/MadeMeSmile, r/insaneparents

    If you are concerned that a child is experiencing or may be in danger of abuse, you can call or text the National Child Abuse Hotline at 1-800-422-2253 (4.A.CHILD); service can be provided in over 140 languages.

    The National Alliance on Mental Illness helpline is 1-888-950-6264 (NAMI) and provides information and referral services; GoodTherapy.org is an association of mental health professionals from more than 25 countries who support efforts to reduce harm in therapy.