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10 Moms Who Are Making Terrible Parenting Choices, And 10 Moms Who Were Literally Born To Be Mothers

Some of these are inexcusable.

Warning: This post mentions suicide.

1. This mom put a tracking app on their kid's phone and STILL didn't trust them:

2. This mom put up sweet affirmations in the middle of the night as a surprise:

3. This mom, on the other hand, refused to accept her own kid for who they are:

4. This mom responded to their child coming out in the most wholesome and loving way possible:

5. This mom THREW AWAY THEIR KID'S CLOTHES instead of simply taking them out of the dryer:

6. This mom channeled her inner artist to give her pride and joy something special for their 21st birthday:

7. This mom tried to control her children with manipulation and emotional abuse:

8. This mom snuck a little treat AND spent the day on grandma duty:

9. This mom threw a hissy fit because her grandchild was hanging out with the other grandparents:

10. This mom knew exactly what to say when her baby was struggling:

11. This mom didn't want to hospitalize her sick child because of "COVID politics":

12. This mom didn't let COVID stop them from spreading holiday cheer and performing mom duties:

13. This mom did something so wrong, I'm actually speechless:

14. This mom supported and celebrated their child's sobriety every step of the way:

15. This mom tried to subject her child to free labor in order to "teach" her something:

16. This mom busted out the craft supplies to make the cutest graduation trinkets known to man:

17. This mom demanded money from their own kid's paycheck and even resorted to threats when they refused:

18. This mom drew a cute lil' pick-me-up to help with the pain:

19. This mom tried to forbid her child from seeing the rest of the family because they made the (wise) decision to get vaccinated:

20. And finally, this mom sent their baby a little taste of home to help them recover:

h/t: r/insaneparents, r/mademesmile