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Americans Who've Moved Out Of The US, What Are The Foods You Miss Most From The Good Ol' US Of A?

When I was studying abroad in England, all I wanted was American ketchup.

Oh, America. The land of crappy healthcare and truly ~interesting~ cuisine.

Not every dish native to the US is a winner. In fact, there are plenty of foods that people in other countries find disgusting, odd, and/or downright baffling.

But that doesn't mean American food doesn't have its charms! In fact, there are plenty of delicious morsels you can't get anywhere else. So, if you're an American who's moved out of the US, I want to hear about the dishes and snacks you absolutely miss the most.

Maybe you dream at night about slathering anything and everything with ranch dressing — especially if it's Hidden Valley.

Or maybe you've searched high and low for Uncrustable sandwiches but can't find them anywhere in your new country. And regular PB&J's just don't compare.

Or maybe you've resigned yourself to the fact that you'll never be able to find BBQ half as good as the kind we have in the States.

Or maybe you're counting the days until you visit the US again and can finally indulge in some beef jerky, Pop-Tarts, and sugary peanut butter (separately, of course).

Whatever it is, I'm curious to know! So, please, share the American foods your expat heart longs for (and WHY you miss them so much) in the comments. Or fill out this Google form if you'd rather be anonymous. Your responses could be featured in an upcoming BuzzFeed Community post.