15 Self-Described "Nice Guys" Who Flipped A Switch The Minute They Got Put In The Non-Existent "Friend Zone"

    "Sounds like a literal fedora with arms wrote this."

    1. This schmuck who tried whining about the friend zone and and got a swift kick of reality:

    2. This sad excuse for a human who thinks that if you hangout with a man/offer him friendship you automatically owe him sex AT LEAST once:

    3. This whiner who believes in the make-believe friend zone so much, he wanted to make it illegal:

    4. This man who decided to hop on social media and prove he's just one big red flag:

    5. This "nice friend" who told a woman he didn't want her in his life if she didn't return his advances:

    6. This sicko who wrote an entire unhinged manifesto about how to get out of the friend zone — which, again, doesn't exist:

    7. This man who decided to use his dating app bio as an excuse to throw a pity party:

    8. This "nice" guy who chose absolute chaos and then complained about "always finishing last":

    9. This youth who seems to think women having agency is "toxic female behavior":

    10. This goon who really thought he did something:

    11. This delusion fool who thinks anyone who's "just friends" with a woman is just a "beta":

    12. This "nice guy" who's so nice he calls women "thots" and "whores" who can "burn in hell":

    13. This wannabe psychologist who genuinely had no idea WTF he was talking about:


    15. And finally, this weirdo who equated friendship to buying livestock:

    In conclusion: The friend zone doesn't exist and women don't owe you anything, no matter how "nice" you think you are. Have a nice day!

    h/t: r/NiceGuys