14 Men Who Made The Month Of March A Living Hell For Women

    Maybe in April you can leave us alone.

    1. This "friend" who provided an unsolicited and gross "analysis":

    2. This (married) man who couldn't let this (engaged) woman just live her life in peace:

    3. This ex who tried to guilt his ex-GF for not sleeping with him like he'd hoped:

    4. This creepy customer who harassed a woman after she politely told him no, and then lost his shit when she gave him a straight answer:

    5. This fella who just happened to "reach a breaking point" when the woman he was texting said she was going to bed:

    Text from a man to a woman about not finding friends of the opposite sex on tinder
    Text from a man to a woman apologizing for diatribe and ranting about reaching a breaking point

    6. This man who randomly decided to "make it up" to a woman he never even dated, and then threw a fit when she didn't reciprocate:

    Text from a man calling a woman "petty" and saying "I would have married you you know"
    Text from man telling woman, "obviously i didn't delete it. i hold our friendship n high regard i got a lotta love for you"

    7. This catch who simply COULDN'T FATHOM why a woman might be uninterested in him:

    8. This vile human who tried to guilt a woman into having sex because he did a few nice things for her:

    Text from man telling woman "I'm still hot even though apparently old I treat you with respect. I think you're absolutely gorgeous even on your worst days I care about you I put you first..."
    Text from man telling woman "I don't do well when i can't get laid and it's been like 8 months now"

    9. This garbage pile who was relentless and then ultimately resorted to name-calling:

    Text from woman telling man "you always cross the line and get flirty and touchy feely. I'm not comfortable with that."
    Text from man calling woman "fucking slag. I'm going to wank off to all your pictures."
    Text from man telling woman "this is why i never get into it with you fucking females your just users"

    10. This dude who called 17 times and still didn't get the hint:

    11. This "empath" who reached out after two years just so he could be passive aggressive:

    12. This jerk who slid into a woman's DMs — unannounced — for the sole purpose of spewing sexist BS:

    Text from man telling woman "I would appreciate a girl for driving good because girls usually don't do it. Same with the humor."
    Text from man telling woman "no offense. some girls are better at a lot of things guys are bad at."

    13. This MF'er who got his ass blocked and simply found a new medium to send more creepy messages:

    14. And finally, this absolute dillweed who insulted his ex on a plane in front of her husband, and wondered if he was the bad guy:

    Man writing about incident with his ex, and ending it "I told my sister and she told me it was an asshole move, and I shouldn't even have tried talking to her."

    Do you have any stories like these to share? Let's commiserate in the comments.

    h/t: r/NiceGuys