18 One-In-A-Million Coincidences That Prove The Universe Has A Sick Sense Of Humor

    #1 is simply tragic.

    1. This pipe that decided to burst RIGHT OVER some poor sap's sunroof:

    2. This newspaper that claimed, "This is not a coincidence," but was so, so wrong:

    3. These Tums that held on for dear life:

    4. This fisherman who learned that history really does repeat itself:

    5. This tree that saved a car's life:

    6. This meteorite that decided to innocently crawl in bed with an unsuspecting woman:

    7. This woodturner who cosmically bought the same bowl that inspired him decades later:

    8. This person who unwittingly went from owning one cat to two identical kitty cats:

    9. This fishbowl that knocked over perfectly to create an even bigger problem:

    10. This rainbow that shone through the window juuuust right to line up with the stove knobs:

    11. This bird who somehow managed to poop straight into an idling car:

    12. This pigeon who somehow managed to poop and become Picasso:

    13. This cat who randomly popped a squat and became a logo:

    14. This egg that turned itself inside out:

    15. This spiderweb that basically recreated a movie scene:

    16. This double-canned beer that refused to be drank at any cost:

    17. This fire that stopped mere inches from someone's home:

    18. And finally, this bottle cap that was stamped with an R-rated alphanumeric code:

    h/t: r/nevertellmetheodds