"The Only Way To Enjoy Life Is To Work" And 15 Other Quotes HR Somehow Thought Were A Good Idea

    Are these supposed to boost morale?

    1. This quote that claims that as a treat for all your hard work, you get...more work:

    2. This quote that's basically saying, "Never take a break ever":

    3. This quote that luckily got a very important edit:

    4. This quote that's — no other way to put it — genuinely delusional:

    5. This quote that honestly feels more like a threat:

    6. This quote that's supposed to "inspire" you not to take credit for your accomplishments:

    7. This quote that honestly just reminds you that everything is bad and terrible:

    8. This quote that's all kinds of offensive on so many levels:

    9. This quote that makes the strongest argument for quitting I've ever seen:

    10. This quote that tries to demonize us for mourning the end of the weekend:

    11. This quote says stress is all your fault, no matter what:

    text: no work is stressful, it is your inability to manage your body, mind, and emotions

    12. This quote that's technically correct but also threatens punishment if you don't perform:

    13. This quote that condescends to teachers like NO OTHER:

    14. This quote that tries to pretend we don't all have bills to pay:

    15. This quote that puts it even more blatantly and tries to say you shouldn't work for money, aka the thing that puts food on the table:

    16. And finally, this quote that genuinely makes zero sense whatsoever:

    H/T: r/antiworkr/ABoringDystopia.