17 Animals That Make Me Feel Uneasy In Ways I Cannot Explain

    I need a moment.

    1. This webbed creature that proved all cats are actually cute little demons:

    2. These eels that I'm convinced have come to steal our souls:

    3. These lobsters that made for the most disturbing proposal I've ever seen:

    4. This fish with some way-too-human teeth:

    5. I see that fish with human teeth and raise you...this fish with human teeth AND HUMAN LIPS:

    6. This dog that stepped in front of a leaf blower and opened a portal to hell:

    7. This bug that turned into a monster out for vengeance:

    8. This four-legged baby chicken (need I say more?):

    9. This bird that wants to haunt your dreams but also be your best friend:

    10. This "fish" that seems to have the body of a dinosaur and the head of a hippopotamus:

    11. This dog with eyes that stare straight through you:

    12. This army of night sheep I now get to see every time I close my eyes:

    13. The Slenderman's humble canine companion:

    14. This catfish that swallowed a turtle and is therefore now considered a dinosaur:

    15. These whales ascending to another plane:

    16. This bald bear/werewolf:

    17. And finally, this nightmare shadow figure guarding the TV remote:

    H/T: r/oddlyterrifying.