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13 People Who Lost 40+ Pounds Share What Really Got Them Results

Real weight-loss stories that will motivate the hell outta you.

We asked members of the BuzzFeed Community to tell us how they lost weight with major-but-doable lifestyle changes. We received a lot of stories from people who set out to lose weight for a variety of reasons — some for health reasons, others who wanted to accomplish specific life goals, and others who wanted to change their appearance or fit into their favorite clothes again. And all of them crushed it.

So, here are some tips that helped people lose 40 pounds or more:

1. Get into strength training to feel powerful AF.

2. Start moving and stay accountable by finding a group workout to participate in.

3. Consider seriously cutting down on fast food and alcohol.

4. Think about seeing a mental health professional who can help you work through any issues with food, your weight, etc.

5. Find an active hobby and really make time for it.

6. Learn a bit about macronutrients and how you can use them to create more balanced meals.

7. Write out all the healthy things you love eating, and then plan meals around that.

8. Give yourself a chance to fall in ~love~ with vegetables.

9. Start small (very small) and gradually add more to your routine.

10. If you can swing it, hire a personal trainer if you know that will help you push yourself and stay accountable.

11. Commit to doing something for 90 days.

12. Resolve not to get your sugar fix from drinks like soda, juice, and other sweetened beverages

13. Find your "why" and think of it often.

Note: Submissions have been edited for length and/or clarity.

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