26 Places People Can't Go To Without Wanting To Have Sex

    From grocery stores to 17th century castles, here are actual places that put people in the ~mood~.

    What ~gets you going~ can be totally different from what turns another person on, or maybe it's not. It's not often that you get to hear what puts other people ~in the mood~.

    So we asked the BuzzFeed Community to share the uncommon and surprising things that turn them on. Here are some of the incredibly specific places that they told us about (and to be clear, we're talking about stuff being done by/between consenting adults):

    1. Dentist's office

    2. Car repair shops

    3. Laundry rooms

    4. Aquariums

    5. Cathedrals

    6. Colonial houses

    7. Backseat of cars

    8. 5th to 17th Century Castles

    9. Libraries

    10. Gynecologist's office

    11. The very edge of cliffs or other great heights

    12. Hair salons or barbers

    13. Gyms

    14. Showers

    15. Hard rock/metal concerts

    16. Grocery stores

    17. Really tight spaces

    18. Fitting rooms

    19. Wooded areas

    20. Waterfalls

    21. Campfires

    22. Balconies

    23. Pools

    24. Bathtubs

    25. Study rooms

    26. Any public place

    Note: Submissions have been edited for length and/or clarity.

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