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    10 Clown Toys That'll Make You Say WTF!?

    Clowns. One of the great paradoxes of modern day pop culture. Traditionally seen as a source of joy and laughter, clowns are almost know just as popularly as figures of absolute terror. Perhaps it’s the face obscuring make up, or the excited cackles that one rarely hears from an adult. But either way clowns are one of the most common muses for horror. This is also why they make such unique toys. Whether on purpose or by accident, any toy featuring a clown can’t help but feel at least a little bit sinister. Here we bring the top ten creepiest clown toys. Whether on purpose or entirely by accident, these clowns are sure to send shivers down your spine.

    Living Dead Dolls Presents Pennywise

    Bonzo Punching Bag Clown

    Clown in the Box

    Living Dead Dolls Cuddles

    6.Clown Marionette

    Clown Music Box

    Mezco One:12 Collective Joker

    Clown Wind Up Toy

    Clown Ventriloquist Dummy

    Pin the Nose on the Clown