Oreos Were An Imitation Cookie, Popcorn Is The Oldest Snack, And Other Snack Histories I Bet You Didn't Know

    You're telling me ice cream is how old...

    Snacks are a delicious part of life, but did you know that there are some interesting facts behind your favorite snacks?

    Here are 10 things you didn't know about your favorite snacks:

    1. Cheetos were invented by a Mexican-American Frito-Lay salesman named Richard Montanez.

    2. Goldfish crackers were invented by a man named Oscar J. Kambly.

    3. Oreos were an imitation of a cookie called "Hydrox."

    4. Chocolate chip cookies were invented by accident.

    5. Gummy bears were invented in Germany in the early 1900s.

    6. Potato chips were invented in 1853 by George Crum.

    7. Popcorn is the oldest snack food in the world.

    8. Ice cream was invented in China around 200 B.C.

    9. Pizza was invented in Naples, Italy in the 18th century.

    10. And hamburgers were invented in Hamburg, Germany in the 19th century.

    So, there you have it! Now, go enjoy a snack and think about all the interesting facts behind it!