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    11 GIFs That Only Coffee Drinkers Will Understand

    Warning: if you don’t drink coffee, just leave now. You won’t get it.

    The smell of a freshly opened bag of beans. When you take that first sip of hot coffee after a 6:30 AM alarm wake-up and you know you're going to be okay. The instant bond after a new friend asks “want me to grab us Starbucks?” We live for these moments. And no, we won’t admit it’s an addiction. Although our love of coffee is hard to put into words, these GIFs come as close as possible to summing it up.

    1. That blind stumble from your bed to the coffee machine.

    2. This sleepy bat that is us and the hand cradling him that is our morning coffee.

    3. This bird who feels the same way we do when the coffee's almost ready.

    4. When you sleep in the latest and your roommates have drunk all the coffee.

    5. This adorable animation that sums up drinking coffee with your best friend.

    6. TFW when someone tries to talk to you while you're still on your first coffee.

    7. The judgement from that guy who has never had a coffee in his life.

    8. Trying to explain how you feel about coffee to that guy when you haven’t had any coffee yet.

    9. Those days when you wish IV coffee were a thing.

    10. The miraculous beauty of milk pouring into an iced coffee.

    11. And finally, this, which we could watch all day. You're welcome.