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    Rhetorical Analysis: Food Porn

    The In-Depth Dissection Of the Article, "All About Food Porn".

    In the article “All About Food Porn”, author Ryan Andrews dissects the many sides of food porn and its effects on consumers. As a rhetor, Andrews challenges food porn’s relation to over-eating and failed dieting. Speaking directly to the public, Andrews develops an audience of people who are either victims of food porn, have experienced its appeal or are just simply curious of its debated effects. In the article Andrews argues that Food porn is impossible to avoid considering our food obsessed culture. Andrews claims that dieting, healthy eating and specialized food preparation are all over social media, and some of the most advertised trends. Andrews states that you can’t go anywhere without seeing images of food. Claiming that images of food can tempt us to eat and even overeat, Andrews later asserts that you can control how food images affect you; whether it’s your eating behaviors, weight, or body composition. Throughout the article Andrews argues that many blame food porn for their diets, but he says th

    In the article “All About Food Porn”, author Ryan Andrews dissects the many sides of food porn and its effects on consumers. As a rhetor, Andrews challenges food porn’s relation to over-eating and failed dieting. Speaking directly to the public, Andrews develops an audience of people who are either victims of food porn, have experienced its appeal or are just simply curious of its debated effects. In the article Andrews argues that Food porn is impossible to avoid considering our food obsessed culture. Andrews claims that dieting, healthy eating and specialized food preparation are all over social media, and some of the most advertised trends. Andrews states that you can’t go anywhere without seeing images of food. Claiming that images of food can tempt us to eat and even overeat, Andrews later asserts that you can control how food images affect you; whether it’s your eating behaviors, weight, or body composition.

    Throughout the article Andrews argues that many blame food porn for their diets, but he says that you control the way food porn affects your eating habits. Andrews continues by stating that the unhealthiest foods typically always look the most appealing. However, if you focus on healthier foods, they can too seem more appealing. Since you eat whatever’s most appealing, if healthy foods are appealing to you, your body will be tricked into eating them. Andrews also states that just simply straying away from certain images food porn such as junk food can assist you in controlling your reception of food porn altogether. In the article, Andrews uses the rhetorical strategies ethos, kairos logos and visual rhetoric to analyze how food porn can have both positive and negative effects on consumers. Andrews uses these rhetorical strategies to make himself credible and maintain his audience, while providing logical reasoning behind his argument.

    Overall, the rhetor Andrews uses a multitude of rhetorical strategies to analyze today’s food porn industry and it’s many effects on consumers. Being that consumers, and those tied into food porn are Andrews audience, he uses rhetoric to maintain them. Andrews uses logos to logically appeal to his audience. In the article, Andrews uses an if – then timeline to provide logical reasoning behind his claims. Rhetoric suggests that if something appears logical to one, their automatically vulnerable to the presented information. Andrews also use Kairos to maintain his audience. His topic of food porn, an increasingly popular topic, is relevant and more likely to be accepted by his audience. Throughout the article, Andrews takes on the rhetorical tool ethos. Using a credible site as his platform and including notable sources gives Andrews created ethos. Using this tool has led Andrews to be considered trustworthy, and therefore more likely to capture his audience. Lastly, Andrews used visual rhetoric throughout his article.