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    This Puppy Has The Best Life Advice

    This eyepatch pup is showing people how to live their best life. Even if it involves sniffing butts sometimes.

    Act like a boss and you are a boss.

    If you get caught doing something naughty freeze and look cute.

    Keep your eye on the person with food.

    Never forget the humans who did all that baby stuff for you.

    Don't be afraid to let it all hang out.

    If you have to be wet and cold do it in style.

    Be gentle when ur stealing hearts.

    Appreciate the little things, like knowing how to walk in shoes.

    Stick your tongue out whenever possible.

    Naps are essential.

    Keep ur sunglass game fresh.

    Ask for what you want.

    It's cute to be a messy eater.

    Never forget you were born cute.

    Deny, deny, deny.

    Dress fancy to feel fancy.

    Always enjoy the sunshine.

    Remember we're all a big mix of something.

    It's ok to not wanna a photo.

    Always find the best spot on the couch and make it yours.

    Do what makes you happy.

    Dare to dream.

    Snugs with friends are the best.