"Don't Tell The Bride" Will Move To Sky 1 After BBC Three Goes Online

    Sky has poached the much-loved BBC Three series and will be airing 24 new episodes next year.

    Bad news for BBC Three viewers: Don't Tell the Bride, the show where a clueless man is left in charge of a wedding and pretty much everything goes wrong, is moving to Sky next summer.

    Sky 1 has poached the show and will make 24 new episodes over two series that promise to be made in a "pacier" format. Adam MacDonald, director of Sky 1, said in a statement:

    Charting wedding dramas for nigh on a decade, Don't Tell the Bride is best in class family-friendly entertainment and a British TV institution to boot! Many of our customers are already huge fans of the show so we're delighted to be giving the brand-new series a home on Sky 1.

    The show's producer, Warner Bros' TV offshoot Renegade Pictures, is currently casting for couples to take part in the new episodes.

    It's unclear whether old episodes of the show will remain on BBC Three, which will be moving online early next year.

    The BBC has been contacted for comment.