16 Times That Richard Ayoade Was Sassy AF On "The Crystal Maze"

    "Very good start, four wins. Then three losses and a lock-in. For which I thank you, as this show needed an arc."

    1. When he was sceptical about the celebrity specials.

    2. And he read out their biographies on air.

    3. When celebrity Louie Spence was chosen for a physical challenge by team captain Alex Brooker.

    4. And not long after, Spence got locked in that challenge and they needed to exit the Aztec Zone.

    5. When he chatted to Joey Essex.

    6. When he gave this recap to a team during an episode.

    7. When Stacey Solomon was put up for a skill challenge.

    8. When the celebrity team took ages to solve a riddle.

    9. When he gave an incorrect instruction during a game where the contestant couldn't touch the floor.

    10. When Adil Ray was terrible at this laser challenge.

    11. When the team outside one challenge shouted this out.

    12. When he was sassy about Channel 4.

    13. When a contestant came out of a task by himself.

    14. And after he walked out of the challenge a second time.

    15. When he made this observation about the people helping the team member inside the challenge.

    16. And when one team finally won a crystal and just wouldn't stop screaming and screaming and screaming.

    The Crystal Maze continues every Friday at 8pm on Channel 4, or catch up on All 4.