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11 Photos That Prove Dogs Love Scottsdale

More like Scottsdogle, right? Right?

If you're looking for a pupper's paradise, look no further than sunny Scottsdale, Arizona.

With its miles upon miles of beautiful parks, lakes, and greenbelts, Scottsdale was basically made for our four-legged friends...

...and the weather in Scottsdale is so perfect, your pup will literally smile about it.

There are few things a good dog appreciates more than a beautiful sunset, and Scottsdale has plenty to go around.

Loki just loves playing with his balls...AT THE DOG PARK. Get your mind outta the gutter!

And speaking of dog parks, Scottsdale's Chaparral Off-Leash Dog Park features three acres of grass, water fountains, and play features built specifically for dogs...

Scottsdale is also the perfect place for a dog to get up close and personal with Mother Nature.

Tiny legs and chubby sausage body? No problem! Scottsdale is perfect for dogs of all shapes and sizes — even adorable, squishy little Corgis.

Who needs to go for a walk when you can go for a golf cart ride?

If you're a gigantic dog that's not into hiking and running around, Scottsdale is the perfect place to just lie in the sun all day long...

...and if it gets too doggone hot outside, you can always take a dip in the pool!

They say all dogs go to heaven, but the really lucky pups get to go to Scottsdale, too!